Learning session 30: Common Component Definitions II
Component definitions are essential in any design process, especially in UX design. By understanding and agreeing on definitions for various design elements, the team can move forward with a shared understanding of the project. The UX design team can confidently move forward and create a great user experience by having a shared understanding of these terms.
What I learned
When you design a product, users do not have to guess what a particular element performs; instead, they can easily recognize what that particular element does.
Different interfaces use different design elements to help users recognize and interact with them. For example, most interfaces use some combination of color, shapes, and text to help users identify different interface elements. Good design elements are easily recognizable and help users interact with the interface naturally.

An accordion is a graphical control element that allows the user to expand or collapse content sections. They are commonly used in web applications to hide or show additional information in a limited space. Accordions are a great way to improve the usability of your site or application by allowing the user to control the amount of information they see. They can also help reduce clutter and make it easier to find the information the user is looking for.

As daily users of different applications, websites, and devices, the common element we are listed. For example, we make lists of groceries supplies; we list our tasks, etc. In the design world, a list helps designers to arrange related elements like images and text to allow users to scan.
List design is the process of designing and testing lists to display multiple items of similar content. By creating lists, designers can help users to understand complex information more quickly and make it easier for them to take action.
Lists can organize information in many ways, such as by date, alphabetically, or by topic. They can also be used to create a hierarchy so that users can see the most important information first.

Breadcrumbs are essential to UX design because they help users navigate websites and apps. They provide a link trail showing the user where they are and where they have been. Breadcrumbs can be used to help users backtrack if they get lost or to help them find their way to a specific page or piece of content.

Pagination is a crucial part of UX design, as it allows users to navigate through content efficiently and efficiently. By breaking up content into manageable chunks, pagination ensures that users can find the information they need quickly and easily. Additionally, pagination allows users to resume their session at a later time if they need to, which is a valuable feature for many users.

Dividers are essential to UX design because they help segment content and make it more manageable for users.
Where many designers use lines to separate different elements into groups of content, dividers support visual hierarchy and help to highlight certain pieces of content. White space, shadows, and images are great alternatives to lines.

Notifications are an essential part of UX design. Notifications are a system of messages that alert users about actions or updates. They help keep users informed and engaged with your app or website. When designing notifications, it’s essential to consider the user’s needs and preferences. What information do they need to be notified about? How often do they need to be notified?

Including tags as part of your UX design can be a great way to help users find the content they’re looking for on your site. By tagging content, you can provide users with an easy way to filter and search for specific items. Including tags in your UX design can help create a more user-friendly and efficient site.
For example, if you upload a new article on Medium, you mark your content with a particular keyword like UX Design, which then all groups all the pieces of content marked with a similar tag. People can easily find what articles they need.

In UX design, pickers are often used to select dates. Pickers provide a simple, easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly and easily select dates. Additionally, pickers can be customized to meet the specific needs of a UX designer, making them versatile tools that can be used in various ways.

In UX design, charts are often used to visualize data in a way that is easy for users to understand. When designing a chart, UX designers must consider the type of data being displayed, the audience that will be viewing the chart, and the overall goals of the design. For example, a bar chart might be used to compare data points, while a line chart might show a trend over time. The goal of charts in UX design is to make complex data more understandable and actionable for users.

Loaders are an essential element in UX design. They help improve the user experience by providing visual feedback during loading processes. Loaders help reduce anxiety and improve the overall user experience by indicating that something is happening in the background.

A tooltip is a small, informative pop-up. They are commonly used to provide additional information about a link, form field, or button and can be an effective way to improve the usability of your website. While tooltips can be helpful, it is vital to use them sparingly, as they can quickly become annoying if used too frequently.

A slider is a common element in user interface design. They are used to select a single value from a range of values. Sliders are typically horizontal but can also be vertical. Sliders are a good choice when there is a limited range of values to choose from, and the user needs to be able to see all the available options. One downside of sliders is that they can be challenging to use on small screens.

Progress trackers
Progress trackers are UX design elements that can be used to communicate the status of a process or task to users. They can be used to show progress through a linear process or illustrate the completion of a task with multiple steps. Progress trackers can help users to understand where they are in a process and what steps they need to take to complete it.

What challenged me
There were a few challenges I encountered while learning about all of these topics. Firstly, learning about common components’ definitions can be overwhelming and confusing. It took me a while to understand each one and how they worked together. Another challenge was figuring out how to use them in my projects. I found some great tutorials and examples online, but it still took some trial and error to get everything working correctly. Overall, I’m glad I took the time to learn about these topics, as they can be extremely useful in web design and development.
Thank you for making it this far.❤️