Learning session 44: Website vs Web app
To create a product that is user-centered, you should be aware of the differences between these two topics before putting your knowledge into practice, such as when designing a website or a web application.
What I learned
What is a website?
A website is a collection of web pages and related content identified by a common domain name and published on a web server. A website can be created and maintained by an individual, group, or organization to serve a variety of purposes.
The most common purpose of a website is to provide information about a particular subject or topic. Websites can also be used to sell products or services, or promote a cause or issue. In addition, websites can be used as a platform for social networking and communication.
Websites are essential for users because they provide a way to access information and resources on the Internet. Websites can also be a way for users to connect with others and share information.

The first website
The first website was created in August 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. The website was created to provide information about the World Wide Web project and the first web browser, WorldWideWeb. The website was hosted on a NeXT computer at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

What is a web app?
A web app is a piece of software that can be used using a web browser. Because they don’t require downloading, web apps differ from desktop and mobile applications.
The necessity for web apps to retain and modify data, based on user input makes web application development more difficult than other types of software development.
Web apps can offer a more interactive experience, which can make them more engaging for users. Additionally, web apps can offer a more responsive design, that can adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Differences between a web app and a website
Essential differences between a web app and a website are:
- Functionality
- Complexity
- Access

Web apps serve to help users. The content on a web app is viewable but it also contains interactive elements, and the users can manipulate the data. Anything on the internet that performs a service is a web app.
Websites serve to inform users. The content on a website can be viewed and listened to but the users cannot manipulate the data.
Web apps are more complex compared to websites. Web apps require backend services and data processing capabilities. Web app security also requires advanced solutions.
Websites are simple to build compared to web apps.
Web apps almost always require user authentication, because they provide customized services to users based on their requirements.
Websites allow unregistered visitors to have the same access and experience as registered users.

What challenged me
One of the challenges I faced while learning about the differences between a web application and a website was understanding the technical aspects of each.
For example, a web application is typically more complex than a website and may use a variety of technologies, such as databases, to store data. In contrast, a website is typically simpler and may only use HTML to display information.
Another challenge was understanding the different purposes of each type of application. A web application is typically designed to allow users to interact with data or perform some type of task, while a website is typically designed to provide information or promote a product or service.
Thank you for making it this far.