Learning session 45: The process of designing a web app
The idea of the web app
This would be a great web app that users can use to self-diagnose their condition, or for users who want to track their symptoms over time. This web app would allow users to input their symptoms and receive results of conditions that match those symptoms.
The web app would also ask questions about the severity of the symptoms to get results that match your given information. Based on this information, you can book an appointment with a doctor and discuss the sickness.
If the condition is urgent that requires immediate medical help, then the web app will immediately advise you to contact a doctor or call 911, but if the condition is not urgent you can book an appointment with a doctor in the web app.

The user flow
I started with a landing page where users are asked whether they have an account, and then they must complete out various forms.
Then I designed a home page where visitors may access the symptoms tracker and answer certain questions to achieve more efficient results in defining their condition.
After answering some of the questions, you may determine if your situation is urgent or not, and then schedule an appointment with a doctor. If the condition is urgent you would be advised to contact a doctor or call 911 immediately.
Then there’s the “pricing” page, and the “about us” page, where you can learn more about what we do and what our customers think of our service.

The wireframes
I started by sketching out a rough idea of what I wanted the wireframe to look like. Then I used Sketch to create a more detailed wireframe. I try to keep the design as simple as possible, focusing on the content and functionality of the page.
I added some placeholder text and images to get a feel for how the interface will look and function. I will make any necessary changes while starting to design the web app.
Then I started to design how the signup and login pages will look like.
Then I continued to work in the symptoms checker where are some placeholders as question forms and where you can input your common symptoms.
Afterward, I started to work on the “about us page” where users can get informed about our service. The“pricing page” and the“appointment page” are where you can view your appointment and cancel it anytime you want.

What challenged me
User flow
One of the biggest challenges I faced while designing the user flow for this web app was how to help users narrow down their symptoms. There are a lot of potential symptoms that could be associated with any given medical condition, so I had to create a way for users to quickly and easily find the symptoms that were most relevant to them.
Designing a user flow for a web app that helps users to find their symptoms can be overwhelming for a number of reasons. It can be difficult to determine what information users will need in order to find their symptoms. The user flow must be designed in such a way that it is easy for users to navigate and understand.
There were several challenges that I encountered during the design process of my wireframes. First, I had to decide on the overall layout and structure of the wireframes. I had to determine how many pages I wanted to include and what content would go on each page.
I also had to determine the hierarchy of the content and how users would navigate through the wireframes. Another challenge was making sure that the wireframes were consistent with the overall design of the website.
Thank you for making it this far.